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刘国楠, 胡荣华, 潘效鸿, 刘永春. 衡重式桩板挡墙受力特性模型试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(1): 103-110.
引用本文: 刘国楠, 胡荣华, 潘效鸿, 刘永春. 衡重式桩板挡墙受力特性模型试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(1): 103-110.
LIU Guo-nan, HU Rong-hua, PAN Xiao-hong, LIU Yong-chun. Model tests on mechanical behaviors of sheet pile wall with relieving platform[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(1): 103-110.
Citation: LIU Guo-nan, HU Rong-hua, PAN Xiao-hong, LIU Yong-chun. Model tests on mechanical behaviors of sheet pile wall with relieving platform[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(1): 103-110.


Model tests on mechanical behaviors of sheet pile wall with relieving platform

  • 摘要: 衡重式桩板挡墙是一种新型支挡结构。相比悬臂式桩板墙、桩锚结构等支护形式,其施工更方便,造价更低,且造型更美观。鉴于该结构的特殊性、复杂性及其构造上存在的多个可变因素,该结构的受力特性尚不明确。为此,基于相似理论,以衡重式桩板挡墙的一般形式为原型,通过多组几何比例7∶1的模型试验,研究了衡重式桩板挡墙结构的土压力分布模式。由试验结果得出:①卸荷板下土压力为零;②桩前抗力建议使用m法计算;③整体结构的受力模式与土压力计算模式。


    Abstract: The sheet pile wall with relieving platform is a new type of retaining structure. It is more convenient in construction and has lower cost and nicer shape than the pile-supported cantilever retaining wall and the pile-supported pre-stressed cable anchor retaining wall. Because of its particularity, complexity and existing variable factors, the mechanical behaviors of this structure is unclear. Therefore, based on the similarity theory, taking its general structure form as the prototype, through multiple sets of model tests with geometrical proportion of 71, the earth pressure distribution mode of the structure is studied. The test results show that (1) the earth pressure is zero under the reliving platform; (2) it is recommended to use the m method to calculate the resistance in piles; and (3) the calculation mode should be the stress pattern and earth pressure of the overall structure.


