Differential displacement control of deep foundation pits in soft clay by use of top-down excavation method
摘要: 阐述了软土深基坑逆作法中差异隆沉产生机理和影响因素。结合工程实践,介绍了控制桩墙之间、立柱桩间差异隆沉的原理方法及设计应对措施。工程现场观测和实测数据表明,通过采用加大桩长、预估分析、节点强化设计、动态化设计、信息化施工等措施,可以有效地将差异隆沉控制在规范允许的范围内,并减小差异隆沉对逆作法支撑体系的影响,保证工程安全。Abstract: Based on the project practices of Shanghai Tower, the differential settlement control of deep foundation pits using top-down excavation method is introduced. As the data illustrate, the measures like estimating analysis, dynamic design, information-guided excavation are of great values in the differential displacement control, consequently they help ensure the safety of the project.