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熊堃, 何蕴龙, 伍小玉, 董园林. 长河坝坝基廊道应力变形特性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1767-1774.
引用本文: 熊堃, 何蕴龙, 伍小玉, 董园林. 长河坝坝基廊道应力变形特性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1767-1774.
XIONG Kun, HE Yun-long, WU Xiao-yu, DONG Yuan-lin. Stress and deformation behavior of foundation gallery of Changheba Hydropower Station[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1767-1774.
Citation: XIONG Kun, HE Yun-long, WU Xiao-yu, DONG Yuan-lin. Stress and deformation behavior of foundation gallery of Changheba Hydropower Station[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1767-1774.


Stress and deformation behavior of foundation gallery of Changheba Hydropower Station

  • 摘要: 深厚覆盖层上的长河坝心墙堆石坝坝高 240 m ,坝基防渗墙采用顶部设置灌浆廊道的方式与坝体心墙相连接,廊道受力条件复杂,已有类似工程出现廊道破坏导致漏水的现象。采用基于子模型法的三维非线性有限元对该部位结构进行重点研究,以薄层单元模拟各种接触面,坝体材料及覆盖层采用 Duncan 双曲线 <> E -<>μ 模型,考虑大坝实际填筑施工过程和水库蓄水过程,对坝基廊道与防渗墙的应力变形状况进行分析。计算结果表明,由于在河床段沿坝轴线均不设横缝,廊道横河向正应力值较大,且极值出现在左右岸 1/4 跨的位置;廊道底板顺河向拉应力较大,将导致底板产生纵向裂缝;廊道与两岸灌浆平洞的结构缝三向变形形态复杂,止水设计困难。应对廊道的结构型式进行调整以及采取一定的工程措施以保障防渗系统的安全性。


    Abstract: Changheba core wall rockfill dam 240 m in height is located on thick alluvium deposit. A grouting gallery is arranged at the top of the underground cut-off wall to connect the foundation diaphragm with the impervious dam core. This kind of gallery is subject to complicated loads, and some galleries have already been cracked and leaked in actual similar projects. Based on the sub-model method, three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis is performed to study the stress and deformation behaviors of the foundation gallery and cut-off wall. The thin-l ayer element is used to simulate the contact surfaces. The filling material s of this dam and alluvium deposit are simulated by means of the Duncan hyperbola <>E-<>μ constitutive model. Meanwhile the actual dam construction process and reservoir impounding process are considered as well. The results demonstrate that the longitudinal stress of the gallery is quite high for the lack of transverse joint along the riverbed sections and the stress extremum appears on the one-fourth section at both sides. The high transverse tensile stress will cause longitudinal cracks at the bottom of gallery. The structural joints between the galleries in riverbed and abutments have complex relative deformations in three directions and as a result, it's difficult to design the joint seal. Therefore the structural style of the gallery should be improved and some engineering measures need to be adopted to ensure the safety of the seepage control system of the dam.


