Responses of a single pile to laterally passing shield tunneling
摘要: 盾构机掘进靠近已有临近桩基时,引起的地层移动会导致桩的承载力降低和产生附加变形。因此,针对隧道侧向穿越桩基时,桩体的承载力及变形的影响问题进行了深入分析,研究中考虑了土仓压力和与桩的距离等因素对桩基的影响,得出了单桩弯矩 和桩顶沉降的变化规律;结果表明,盾构掘进中桩基的竖向承载力和沉降下降明显,在工程实践中需引起重视,需考虑采取适当控制措施以保证桩基的安全性;土仓压力大小能有效控制桩的承载力下降,对桩的下沉有一定的控制作用 。论文成果对盾构机穿越桩基的安全评估提供了借鉴意义。Abstract: The decrease in the bearing capacity of a single pile and the additional deformation will occur when the shield machine approaches the existing pile. Effects of shield tunneling on a single existing pile are investigated by means of the numerical method in this study in the case of shield machine passing laterally. Earth pressures in the chamber of the shield machine and change in the distance between the pile and the shield machine are taken into account in the numerical simulation. It shows the two factors, i.e., earth pressures in the chamber and the distance, play an important role in this process. Moments along the pile and settlements at the top of the pile are obtained as well. It is proved that the decrease in the bearing capacity of the pile and the increase in the settlement are significant during the shield tunneling. Therefore, some measures should be taken to protect the existing pile from damage. Moreover, the earth pressures in the chamber can prevent effectively the pile from decreasing in the bearing capacity, and to some extent, it can control the settlement induced by the shield tunneling.