Application of FBG sensing technology in lateral load tests on precast concrete piles
摘要: 针对现有 FBG 传感技术在预制混凝土桩测试中存在的问题,提出了 FBG 传感器的埋设工艺,并成功将 FBG 传感技术应用到先张法预应力混凝土管桩的水平载荷试验中,试验结果表明,传感器存活率高、测试数据可靠、测试精度满足工程要求, FBG 传感技术可以在混凝土预制桩水平载荷实验中应用。Abstract: In view of the existing issues of FBG sensing technology in precast concrete piles, a buring technology of FBG sensors is proposed and successfully applied to the lateral load tests on pre-tensioned prestressed concrete pile s. The experimental results show that the FBG sensors possess a high survival rate, reliable test data and satisfactory accuracy. The FBG sensing technology can be applied to load tests on the precast concrete piles.