It is of great importance to precisely appraise the mechanical characteristics and to provide credible design parameters of soils for the design of foundation engineering. At present, the strength and deformation parameters are tested by different test methods whose precisions differ from each other, and the soils are disturbed inevitably to some degree, so do the stresses in the soils. The self-boring in-situ shear pressuremeter test, namely SBISP, adopts the self-boring technique. Its unique structure and loading method make it possible to directly attain many mechanical parameters, such as the strength and deformation parameters, earth pressure at rest, coefficient of subgrade shear reaction and pile friction. The SBISP test is a testing technique in the drilling boreholes, so it can obtain the mechanical parameters of the soils at different depths. The results of the field tests show that SBISP can obtain the strength and deformation parameters at the same time by one test, and that the values tested by SBISP can be used as the corresponding ones.