Earthquake safety of small dams
摘要: 大多数用于灌溉和供水的坝为高度小于 15 m 的土坝,并称之为乡村坝。国际大坝委员会所辖大坝的坝高都在15 m 以上,这些小型水坝并不在委员会管辖范围之内。通常,乡村坝由地方社区或水坝工程建设经验不足的组织资助修建起来的,印度尤其如此。例如 1 月 26 日发生在印度古茶拉底省的 Bhuj 地震,波及到 240 座水坝。显然这些坝的质量远比不上水电站大坝的质量,然而小型水坝的事故将会影响到整个大坝行业的前景,所以这些乡村水坝也应该满足基本的设计与安全准则,以免对整个大坝行业造成负面影响。Abstract: Most of the existing irrigation and water supply dams,which are referred to as rural dams,are earth dams with a height of less than 15 m.These dams are not within the scope of ICOLD,which is concerned with dams with a height of more than 15 m.Rural dams are often built by local communities and/or with the help of the organizations which have little or no experience in dam engineering and dam construction.This is particularly true for India,where some 240 dams were affected by the January 26 Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat province.These dams are different from the well-engineered dams for hydropower projects.Due to the fact that the catastrophic failure of a small dam will have an adverse impact on the whole dam industry,it is necessary that these rural dams should also satisfy the basic design and safety criteria.