Control of seepage in earth dams with a vertical drain
摘要: 水流通过坝体和坝基时存在压力和梯度,这在大坝工程设计中已视为重要因素。但是,在土石坝设计时往往会遇到抵御不利大坝安全因素的排水系统的选型和设计问题。目前,很多工程中虽存在一些效果不错的排水系统,但其缺乏渗流和浸润线位置的控制,可能会对工程安全产生威胁,或使渗流控制措施达不到经济有效的目的。为此,本文基于均质土坝实验研究取得的成果,研究出在竖向排水体中的渗流量的控制方法,采用这种方法可以对土石坝进行更好的管理。Abstract: The flow of water through dams and their foundations,and the accompanying pressures and gradients that exist have long been recognized by engineers as important factors in dam design.And one of the major problems encountered when designing earth dams is the choice and design of systems of drainage that are able to protect the dams from undesirable effects.Although the existence of a number of satisfactory drainage systems allowed the construction of many projects,the lack of control of seepage flow and the position of saturation curve in the drain may threaten the security of these constructions and render them uneconomical.The paper presented herein reports the results obtained from the experimental study of a homogeneous earth dam.Relations have been obtained which can be a help in the control of the quantity of discharge in the vertical drain,which permits a better management of earth dams.