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董斌, 张喜发, 李欣, 张冬青. 毛细水上升高度综合试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2008, 30(10): 1569-1574.
引用本文: 董斌, 张喜发, 李欣, 张冬青. 毛细水上升高度综合试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2008, 30(10): 1569-1574.
DONG Bin, ZHANG Xifa, LI Xin, ZHANG Dongqing. Comprehensive tests on rising height of capillary water[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(10): 1569-1574.
Citation: DONG Bin, ZHANG Xifa, LI Xin, ZHANG Dongqing. Comprehensive tests on rising height of capillary water[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(10): 1569-1574.


Comprehensive tests on rising height of capillary water

  • 摘要: 通过对12种不同粗细土料进行室内竖管法毛细水上升高度试验,得到毛细水上升高度与时间关系曲线,并分析了影响因素和变化规律。粗粒土毛细水上升高度与时间过程可用对数坐标下二次多项式回归方程进行模拟和预测,方程参量与反映土的颗粒组成和装填密实程度大小的物理指标密切相关。给出了各种粗细粒土毛细水上升稳定高度数据。对粗粒土建立了毛细水上升最大高度与其物理指标(有效粒径d10和孔隙率n)间的实用回归方程式。还将试验数据与以往常用的估计粗粒土毛细上升最大高度的海森等公式进行了对比,指出后者之缺陷和不足。


    Abstract: According to the comprehensive tests on the rising height of capillary water for twelve kinds of different coarse grained soil and fine grained soil by use of the method of standpipe,the relationship between the rising height of capillary water and time was obtained,and the influencing factors and rules were analyzed.The relationship between the rising height of capillary water of coarse grained soil and time could be drawn by the double-unit regression equation in the logarithmic coordinate.The parameters were related with composition of grain and degree of compaction.The data of the steady rising height of capillary water were obtained,and the regression equation of coarse grained soil on steady height and physical indexes(effective grain d10 and porosity n) was found.Compared with Hazen’s and other expressions that could estimate the steady height of capillary water of coarse grained soil,the proposed method was satisfactory,and the defects of the latter were pointed out.


