Problems in analysis on stability of soil nailing walls of weak foundation pits
摘要: 土钉墙具有施工便捷、现场文明、造价低廉等优点,已在深基坑支护结构中得到广泛应用。土钉墙设计通常采用专用设计软件进行设计,如国内最常见的理正深基坑支护结构软件,然而笔者在使用该软件过程中,发现该软件在进行土钉墙整体稳定性分析时,基坑底面以下的截止计算深度对土钉墙的整体稳定性影响较大,而按软件界面计算时不能真正求得土钉墙整体稳定性的最小安全系数。为此,提出用理正软件寻求最危险滑动面的方法,并与笔者的方法进行了比较,以供工程技术人员借鉴。Abstract: The advantages of soil nailing walls are convenient construction and low cost,etc.They have already been used in protective structure of deep excavation extensively.The appropriate design software such as Lizheng Deep Excavation Design Software has usually been adopted in China to design the soil nailing walls.However,it was discovered that the stability of the soil nailing walls was greatly influenced by the calculation depth at the bottom of foundation pits,and the minimum factor of safety of the soil nailing walls could not be really found according to the Lizheng Software interface.The method of the most dangerous slide surface using Lizheng Software was put forward,and was compared with the author’s method.