Electricity method for checking the length of reinforcing cage in piles
摘要: 提出了用高频电磁波法和直流电法检测灌注桩中钢筋笼实际长度的电法检测方法,并在实际工程中得到了检验。实践表明,它们是对灌注桩中钢筋笼长度的有效检测方法。两种方法联合检测结果更可靠。鉴于灌注桩中钢筋笼实际长度的检测至今没有成熟检测技术,因此,这种方法对灌注桩的质量控制及同类检测工作有一定的借鉴意义。Abstract: The electricity method for checking the length of reinforcing cage in piles was discussed.The method consisted of the direct current method and the electromagnetic wave method,and it had been proved to be an effective method by theory and practices.Their joint application could improve the reliability of the results.Since there is still no mature technology to check the length of reinforcing cage in piles,the present method will provide a reasonable method for checking the length of reinforcing cage in piles.