Analysis of the internal forces in lining caused by rolling correction of DOT shield
摘要: 在双圆盾构隧道施工过程中,盾构机很容易发生侧向偏转,施工中必须不断地对双圆盾构进行纠偏。然而,纠偏过程往往会对周围环境以及衬砌内力产生一定的影响。针对该问题,应用有限元数值模拟的方法,分析双圆盾构施工时纠正偏转角引起的衬砌上的附加内力。并将计算结果与现有的计算模型得到的结果进行比较。结果表明:施工中纠偏所引起的内力比现有设计中不考虑纠偏计算得到的内力有比较大的变化。而且,随着偏转角的增加衬砌上有些点的内力增大(最大达5~6倍),有些点的内力减小甚至发生符号的反转。由此可知,可靠合理的隧道衬砌设计方法应考虑这种纠偏引起的内力重分布的作用。Abstract: The Double-O-Tube(DOT) shield machine is more likely to roll during DOT tunnel construction and rolling correction operation should be always conducted during construction.The surrounding environment and the internal force in lining will change during the process of rolling correction.Finite element method was adopted to analyze the internal force in lining caused by rolling correction during DOT tunnel construction.It was indicated that the internal forces in lining would vary by considering rolling correction operation.With the increase of rolling angles,the internal force increased(the maximum up to 56 times) at some points,and decreased at other points.Therefore,it was reasonable to consider the redistribution of internal force in lining design.