Dimensional analysis and centrifuge modeling of quay wall of large-diameter bottomless cylinders
摘要: 认识土与沉入式无底大直径圆筒结构岸壁码头之间相互作用机制,对于它的安全和经济设计至关重要。基于量纲分析,首先研究确定了控制这种岸壁码头性状的无量纲项,然后,为研究这些无量纲项的相对重要性,设计了模型试验,并对试验结果分析解释。在所完成的离心模型试验中,就岸壁码头变形机制进行了观察,发现圆筒岸壁上部是偏离墙后土体向海侧倾斜,同时码头后场表面有沉降发生。离心试验结果的多元回归分析发现,圆筒岸壁的相对侧向位移对筒体前侧嵌入泥面以下的埋深比最为敏感,而侧向位移对圆筒的径高比的灵敏度不足前一因素的50%。相对来说,所测得的位移和土压力对筒壁的摩擦不很灵敏。对土压力结果的分析表明,作用于圆筒岸壁的侧向土压力可依据朗肯主动土压力理论,根据筒后土体的不排水强度进行预测。Abstract: Understanding the interaction mechanism between the soil and a quay wall composed of large-diameter bottomless cylinders is vital to the safe and economic design of the quay wall.Based on dimensional analysis,a number of dimensionless groups that governed the performance of the quay wall were investigated,identified and used to design and interpret centrifuge model tests.In all centrifuge model tests performed,a deformation mechanism was observed,that is,the upper part of the wall tilted outward away from the retained soil,and the ground behind it settled.Based on multi-regression analysis of the centrifuge test results,it was found that the horizontal displacement of the wall/cylinder was most sensitive to the ratio of embedded soil depth in front of the cylinder to the height of the cylinder and it was 50% less sensitive to the ratio of the diameter to the height of the cylinder.Relatively the measured deformation and lateral earth pressure were insensitive to the roughness of the wall.Lateral earth pressures acting on the wall could be predicted from the Rankine active earth pressure theory with the undrained assumption in the short term.