Three-dimensional limit equilibrium solution to generalized-shaped slope stability
摘要: 本文基于空间滑面正应力修正模式,提出一般形状边坡三维极限平衡新解法。假设三维滑面正应力的初始分布,用含有3个待定参数的修正函数对其进行修正,使滑体满足3个方向力的平衡条件以及绕垂直滑动方向坐标轴的力矩平衡条件,推导出关于安全系数的3次代数方程,得到边坡3D安全系数显式解。本文方法无需对条柱间作用力进行假设,计算原理简单;安全系数由显式解直接计算,无需迭代,不存在收敛性问题;由于满足4个平衡条件,计算结果可靠;适用任意形状的非对称边坡,工程应用前景广。算例与工程应用计算结果表明了方法的有效性与实用性。Abstract: On the basis of the modification of normal stresses on 3D slip surface,a new 3D limit equilibrium method was presented for generalized-shaped slopes.The normal stress distribution over the 3D slip surface was initially assumed,then it was modified by a function with 3 parameters to satisfy three force equilibrium conditions and one moment equilibrium condition about the axis perpendicular to the sliding direction.A cubic algebric equation was derived that would yield an explicit solution to 3D factor of safety.The present method made a feature of simple principle free of assumptions regarding inter-column forces and direct computation of 3D factor of safety without iteration and nonconvergence.The computated results were reliable since 4 equilibrium conditions were satisfied.The method was applicable to asymmetric slopes with arbitrary shapes,thus could be applied in wide fields of slope engineering.The effectiveness and practicability of the present method were shown by the results of example and case history studies.