Digital image analysis to determine pore size distribution of filtration materials
摘要: 反滤材料的反滤性能由自身的开口孔径分布曲线约束。当前测定孔径分布曲线主要是间接方法,此方法有其本身的缺陷。随着近年来图像分析技术的发展,为更准确、直接测定孔径分布曲线提供了技术支持。本文运用了数学形态学方法,提出一种数字图像分析方法,运用Matlab软件编写计算程序,决定反滤材料完整的开口孔径曲线,取得比较好的效果。Abstract: The performance of filtration materials was controlled by their pore opening size distribution(PSD).Most of the current methods for determining PSD were indirect and contained inherent disadvantages.Recent technological advancements in image analysis offered great potential for a more accurate and direct way of determining the PSD of filtration materials.The present digital image analysis method was developed with various mathematical morphology algorithms.An original program was compiled in Matlab with this method to provide a complete PSD curve for filtration materials.