Theory, application and tests of 3D analysis method for deep foundation pits
摘要: 对深基坑支护结构的三维分析进行了探讨,提出了三维分析的原理、计算公式,开发出了相应的有限元软件,将软件应用于宁波地区的实际深基坑工程并对计算和实测数据进行了对比分析,为复杂深基坑支护结构的设计计算提供了一种改进的方法和新工具。研究认为:采用本文的三维分析方法和软件,实测数值和计算数值的比值多在0.6~1.5之间,说明应用本文方法和软件进行设计是安全、经济、合理的,可作为现行规程(JGJ120—99)方法的补充和改进。Abstract: A new 3D design and analysis method was put forward,including its theory,formulas and corresponding FEM software.Moreover,the 3D method and software was applied to the actual deep foundation pits in the city of Ningbo and the contrast analysis between the calculated data and measured data was presented.It was shown that the new design method was a kind of new solution for complicated deep foundation pits,and the ratio of the calculated data to the measured data was mostly in the range from 0.6 to 1.5.Therefore,the present method and software could be applied to actual design of foundation pits with safety and satisfactory economic benefit.Furthermore,it could be considered as the supplement or improvement to the active technical specification(JGJ120—99) to some extent.