Influence of freezing-thawing on strength of overconsolidated soils
摘要: 冻融过程中土结构受冷生作用的影响,可导致其工程性质发生变化。本文研究了冻融作用对超固结土强度的影响。以天津粉质粘土和兰州黄土的重塑超固结土样为研究对象,对两种土施以一次冻结–融化,对冻融前后的土样分别进行电镜扫描图像定量分析和土力学试验。试验表明,两种土经过冻融作用后,其强度参数发生了变化。结合前人对正常固结土冻融过程中应力状态变化的分析,综合电镜扫描图像的定量分析和冻融过程中的变形时程,对超固结土强度的变化提出了新的机理解释。Abstract: It has become a common understanding that freezing-thawing cycling is a kind of weathering process which considerably changes the engineering properties of soils due to cryogenic actions.Freezing-thawing induced changes in strength of two overconsolidated soils were studied.The soil samples were subjected to one freezing-thawing cycle.Then the mechanical test and SEM micro-fabric scanning were carried out on both pre-freezing and post-thawing samples.It was found that the strength parameters of the two soils changed in an opposite way.Novel explanations on the mechanism of the changes were given by using SEM quantitative analysis and according to the deforming process during freezing-thawing.