International parallel test on the measurement of shear modulus of sand using bender elements
摘要: 首先介绍了弯曲元技术的基本原理和应用研究情况,然后详细报道了浙江大学岩土工程研究所参与此次国际平行试验的试验内容和初步分析结果。试验对象为饱和Toyoura砂,内容为排水条件下的多级加荷三轴(固结比Kc=1,2)和固结仪K0试验,在每级荷载下利用弯曲元测试土样的剪切波速并计算剪切模量Gmax。本文试验结果与弯曲元技术应用方法为TC-29的最终分析提供了有效的试验数据和参考依据。Abstract: The fundamentals and applications of bender element technique were comprehensively reviewed.Then the detailed report of IGE-ZJU for the international parallel test was presented.Saturated Toyoura sand samples were tested under drained conditions in both triaxial(Kc = 1,2) and consolidometer(K0 test) apparatuses,with the shear wave velocity Vs measured by bender elements at each loading stage.The test results and the application details of bender elements provided a set of meaningful data for further analysis and summary of the whole parallel test by TC-29.