Coupling analysis of long-term prestress loss and slope creep
摘要: 锚索长期预应力的保持是锚固工程中的关键之一,考虑锚索预应力变化和边坡蠕变的耦合作用,建立新的模型并进行理论推导,得出了在耦合作用下锚索长期有效预应力的变化公式,与已有的试验结果以及有限元分析结果对比分析,验证了模型的正确性,并通过具体的工程实例给出了其应用。Abstract: Based on coupling of long-term prestress loss of anchor tie and slope creep, a new mode is built and the theoretical function of long-term prestress variation is put forward. By comparison with the experiment result and FEM result , the suggested model is proved to be applicable.