Modified gradient ratio (GR) test system with micro pore pressure transducer measurement
摘要: 本研究针对结合微孔隙水压力计改良型GR试验系统与一般GR试验系统进行了一系列的试验分析比较,研究中所使用的试验材料包含4种不同针轧不织布及5种不同比例渥太华砂与风化泥岩混合土壤。试验结果发现,由改良型GR试验系统所得的GR试验值都高于一般GR试验系统所得结果,同时也验证了微孔隙水压力计在GR试验系统中可提供较好的孔隙水压力量测与抗阻塞潜势评估。Abstract: A series of gradient ratio (GR) tests with conventional GR test device, modified implanted GR test device with and without micro pore pressure transducers were done. 4 different types of needle-punched nonwoven geotextiles and 5 mixtures of Ottawa sand and weathered mudstone with various percentages were used as testing materials. It was found that the GR values from modified GR tests are generally greater than that obtained from the conventional GR tests. It is believed the transducers installed in the GR test systems provide better measurement on pore pressure distribution and better evaluation of the clogging potential.