Study on deformation characters of reinforced embankment in permafrost regions of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
摘要: 在青藏铁路某冻土路段设计了加筋试验和无加筋试验两种方案,对该路段冻土路堤和地基的温度、沉降变形、水平位移等进行较全面的监测,分析了加筋和无加筋冻土路堤的地温变化和变形特征。结果表明,由于加筋后土体的受力更均匀,采用土工格栅的加筋路堤土体的变形比未加筋路堤土体的变形更均匀,加筋后的路堤本体变形协调能力增强,大大提高了路堤土体抗纵向裂缝的能力。Abstract: Two kinds of programs for reinforced embankment and non-reinforced embankment were designed in some test section along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.Based on the overall monitoring of the settlement,level displacement and ground temperature for both reinforced embankment and non-reinforced embankment,the characteristic of deformation and the variation of ground temperature of reinforced embankment were analyzed.It was shown that the deformation of reinforced embankment with geogrids is more uniform than that of non-reinforced embankment.And the ability of resistance to longitudinal crack was greatly increased as a result of enhancement of deformation coordination ability.