Estimation of the displacement depth in dynamic replacement
摘要: 强夯置换加固效果指标中 ,置换深度是一个关键性课题 ,难以预测 ,也难以控制。本文首次以波能传播理论为基础 ,考虑土对波的吸收系数和实际施工情况 ,对强夯置换加固效果中的最终置换深度和随夯击击数变化的置换深度增量进行了预测 ,8个工程实例表明此方法简便实用 ,理论基础可靠 ,可直接为工程实践服务。Abstract: The displacement depth of dynamic replacement is an important index which can not be easily decided. In this paper, based on the theory of wave energy transmission, the final displacement depth and the increment of displacement depth are predicted, considering the absorbency of wave energy and the practical construction situation. The method is suited for the engineering practice because of its convenience.