Construction techniques of long bored pile embedded in rock
摘要: 阐述了长螺旋钻孔方法及“钻孔压浆成桩法”工艺 ,介绍了一种新型钻头———锥螺旋凿岩钻头 ,从而解决了长螺旋钻孔成桩不能嵌岩的难题 ,并为嵌岩桩基施工提供了一种新的可靠、高效的施工工艺。Abstract: The long spiral boring,cone twist rock-drilling he ad and mud-jack bored pile technique were introduced in this paper.The problem that long spiral boring pile could not be embedded in rock was solved.A reli able construction way with high efficiency for pile embedded in rock was provid ed.