The settlement of embankment on soft ground
摘要: 在软土地基上修筑高速公路 ,不同地基处理方法、不同填土高度下 ,硬壳层和软土层厚度对路基沉降的影响不同。通过对某高速公路采用粉喷桩和砂垫层预压法两种方法加固软基后 ,路基填筑过程中实测路堤沉降资料的深入分析 ,总结出在该地区硬壳层和软土层厚度对路堤沉降变形的影响规律 ,并提出了相应的填土临界高度 (约 2 .5m)。Abstract: Based on a lot of field test data, the settl ement of embankment on soft ground with different improvement methods are di scusse d in this paper. With the soft ground improved respectively by DJM (Dry Jet Mixi ng) and preloading method, the settlements of embankment are analyzed. The resul ts sho w that the crust with high strength and the thickness of the soft cl ay are the key factors to inference the settlement, and there is a critical embankment heig ht (about 2.5 m) on the soft ground.