Effective stress and shear strength of unsaturated soil with low water content
摘要: 在暂不考虑其它因素引起的基质吸力组成部分 ,而只考虑毛细水作用对基质吸力的贡献的基础上 ,引进了附加内压力概念 ,将基质吸力分解为毛细吸力和附加内压力两部分 ,进一步将低含水率非饱和土中的总有效应力区分为由基质吸力引起的有效应力及由重力和其它外力产生的有效应力两部分 ,基此推导出基质吸力与抗剪强度之间的关系 ,解释了非饱和土的抗剪强度随含水率降低、基质吸力增大而增大且相互依赖关系呈非线性等重要试验现象Abstract: After introducing the concept of additional internal pressure, it is shown that the general suction consists mainly of the capillary suction and the additional internal pressure,and the effective stress should be decomposed into two parts: one caused by the general suction, and the other caused by the gravity and other external loads. Based on these concepts, we obtained a relation between the general suction and the shear strength for the unsaturated soil with low water content, and consequently a satisfactory explanation to the important experimental phenomenon of the unsaturated soil that the shear strength increases nonlinearly with the increasing of the general suction.