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李晓军, 张登良. 路基填土单轴受压细观结构CT监测分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2000, 22(2): 205-209.
引用本文: 李晓军, 张登良. 路基填土单轴受压细观结构CT监测分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2000, 22(2): 205-209.
Li Xiaojun, Zhang Dengliang. Monitoring change of structure of road foundation soil in uniaxial compression test with CT[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(2): 205-209.
Citation: Li Xiaojun, Zhang Dengliang. Monitoring change of structure of road foundation soil in uniaxial compression test with CT[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(2): 205-209.


Monitoring change of structure of road foundation soil in uniaxial compression test with CT

  • 摘要: 利用可同步进行CT扫描的三轴仪 ,对路基填土进行了单轴压缩实验。从CT数和CT图像两方面分析了不同受力过程中 ,路基填土细观结构变化。结果表明 ,随着压力增大 ,土体的结构性逐渐减弱 ;在密度较低的区域 ,首先形成微裂缝 ,微裂缝逐渐扩展而造成试件破坏。


    Abstract: Uniaxial compression test of road foundation soil is conducted with a triaxial apparatus which can do CT scanning at the same time. The change of structure of the soil is analyzed from the CT numbers and CT images. It is found that the stucture of soil is lessened and the cracks are produced with the increase of the stress. The destruction of soil sample is due to the propagation of the cracks.


