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张继红. 新型伞式自扩锚的试制及其拉拔试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1999, 21(3): 100-103.
引用本文: 张继红. 新型伞式自扩锚的试制及其拉拔试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1999, 21(3): 100-103.
Zhang Jihong. Trial production of the new type umbrella shaped self expanding anchor and its pull out test[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1999, 21(3): 100-103.
Citation: Zhang Jihong. Trial production of the new type umbrella shaped self expanding anchor and its pull out test[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1999, 21(3): 100-103.


Trial production of the new type umbrella shaped self expanding anchor and its pull out test

  • 摘要: 首次通过新型伞式自扩锚的设计制作、拉拔试验及其与螺旋锚的对比试验研究,分析了伞式自扩锚的拉拔试验荷载位移曲线特征,提出伞式自扩锚的自扩过程可以分为三个阶段,探讨了伞式自扩锚的自扩机理。发现在拉拔荷载作用下,伞式自扩锚可以在土体中自行扩大锚固端,并形成伞状结构,大幅度提高其抗拔力。最后对本课题进一步研究提出建议。


    Abstract: On the basis of prior trial production of the new type unbrella shaped self expanding anchor, its pull out tests and the comparative tests between the new type and screw anchors, this paper analyses the characteristics of load displacement curves of the new type anchors, divides its self expanding process into three different stages, and discusses its self expanding mechanism. It is found that the new type anchor can automatically expand its psrts into an umbrella shaped structure under the ground when the pull out load is applied, and then it uplift capacity can be remarkably improved. At the end of this paper, proposals are presented for further research.


