Dewatering and drainage design for deep foundation pit excavation
摘要: 对位于沿海、沿江的大城市来说,深基坑开挖中的降水问题是一个很重要的问题。以往深基坑工程的失事,许多都与降水设计不当或不够重视有关。为此,本文在以往基坑降水研究的基础上,结合一些工程实例,对这个问题进行一些讨论。Abstract: Since many excavation failures were caused by the wrong or careless design in the past , it is important to make a suitable dewatering and drainage design with quantitative analyses for deep foundation pit excavation ,especially for the ones near a river or sea .Based on experience of dealing with groundwater , we make an analysis on some engineering cases and present a new design method .