Experimental research and application of composite ground of steel ash pile within a steel factory in North Henan Province
摘要: 论述了钢渣的物理、化学和力学特性,稳定性及配合比,阐述了豫北某钢厂挤密钢渣桩处理湿陷性黄土地基的机理、设计与检测,并从技术、经济及社会角度将钢渣桩复合地基与碎石桩复合地基进行了比较,结果表明前者明显优于后者。Abstract: The physical,chemical and mechanical properties, the stability and the mixture ratio of steel ash are introduced in this paper. The mechanism, design and testing method of steel ash pile in improving collapsible loess foundation of a factory in North Henan are illustrated. Economically and technically, the composite ground of steel ash pile is compared with that of gravel pile, which indicates that the former is superior to the latter obviously.