2 D FEM analysis for an underground opening considering the strength anisotropy of the layered rock mass
摘要: 由于层状岩体在平行和垂直层面的方向上具有不同的强度特性,故进行非线性分析时必须考虑岩体强度的异向性。据此,笔者研制了一个可以处理层状岩体强度异向性的弹塑性及无拉分析的平面有限元程序,并举例进行了计算和结果分析,得到了一些有益的认识。Abstract: Because of the differences between the strength characteristics of the layered rock mass in parallel and perpendicular directions with respect to the bedding plane, the strength anisotropy must be considered in the nonlinear analysis. Basing on this consideration, the authors developed a 2 D no tension and elasto plastic FEM program, which can deal with the strength anisotropy of a layered rock mass. Some knowledge was achieved according to the calculated results of some examples.