砂土中群桩特性的试验研究(英) English Version
Pile behaviour in sand through experiments
摘要: 为了研究砂土中群桩的受力特性,进行了室内模型桩的试验,模型桩用有机玻璃管做成,内壁贴有敏感的应变片,在桩就位后用一液压千斤顶施加荷载。试验结果相当清楚地反映了桩土的共同作用,其中桩身、桩尖和桩承台上荷载分担规律是很有意义的。Abstract: Following the need to study the characteristic responses of piles embedded in sand, a very simple laboratory method was employed through using model piles. The model piles were essentially, perspex pipes instrumented with sensihve strain gauges embedded in their inner surfaces. The load was applied by a manually operated hydraulic jack. The tests were run when the pi1es were already in position. The results of the experiments were quite typieal and demonstrated the soil-pile interachon phenomena. Of interest were the load-shallng characteristics of the pileshafts and the pile-bases and the contribution of the pile-caps.