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戴正彬, 卢云龙. 盾构超近距离下穿对既有隧道变形的影响[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20241225
引用本文: 戴正彬, 卢云龙. 盾构超近距离下穿对既有隧道变形的影响[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20241225
Influence of the deformation of shield tunneling on existing tunnels at a short distance[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20241225
Citation: Influence of the deformation of shield tunneling on existing tunnels at a short distance[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20241225


Influence of the deformation of shield tunneling on existing tunnels at a short distance

  • 摘要: 针对近几年城市建设不断稳步发展,我国众多城市陆续开发加大建设城市轨道交通项目,地铁工程建设引起周边地表沉降和构筑物变形时有发生。本研究依托南京某地铁盾构隧道工程,通过现场监测结合数值模拟方法,分析了盾构超近距离下穿时对隧道结构产生的影响,总结盾构施工引起的周边土体变形规律,为后续工程提供可靠经验。研究结果表明:分析现场实测值和模拟计算值可知盾构在靠近隧道时地表沉降量较小;隧道侧墙位移大体水平方向是朝向坑内移动,同时既有隧道结构的底板竖向位移变化量大于顶板中心轴线上的沉降变化量,主要取决于盾构掘进具体位置;盾构近距离下穿过程中对隧道抗拔桩影响显著,需及时动态调整盾构掘进压力;最大沉降位于盾构双线中心位置的正上方且为“V”形状。


    Abstract: With the continuous development of urban construction in recent years, many Chinese cities have successively developed and increased the construction of urban rail transit projects, and the construction of the metro engineering causes the surrounding surface settlement and formation deformation from time to time. Based on a subway shield project in Nanjing Metro, the influence of shield tunnelling on the existing tunnel structure is analysed by the construction site monitoring and numerical simulation method. The deformation law caused by the surrounding soil of shield construction is summarized, which can provide reliable experience for subsequent projects. The results show that the ground subsidence is small when the shield is near the tunnel by the measured and simulated values. The lateral wall displacement of the tunnel moves toward the pit in the generally horizontal direction, and the vertical displacement variation of the floor of the existing tunnel structure is greater than the settlement variation on the central axis of the roof, which mainly depends on the specific position of the shield tunneling. In the process of shield tunneling, it has a significant influence on the uplift pile of the tunnel, and the driving pressure of shield tunneling should be adjusted dynamically in time. The maximum settlement is located directly above the center of the shield double line and is in the shape of "V".


