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张成凯, 周舒威, 张雨恒, 田浚垚, 庄晓莹. 横观各向同性岩石热力耦合脆性断裂相场法模拟[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240984
引用本文: 张成凯, 周舒威, 张雨恒, 田浚垚, 庄晓莹. 横观各向同性岩石热力耦合脆性断裂相场法模拟[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240984
Phase-field modeling of thermo-mechanical coupled brittle fracture for transversely isotropic rock[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240984
Citation: Phase-field modeling of thermo-mechanical coupled brittle fracture for transversely isotropic rock[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240984


Phase-field modeling of thermo-mechanical coupled brittle fracture for transversely isotropic rock

  • 摘要: 具有层理构造的岩层中岩石热致变形及破裂是地热开采、核废料储存等岩土工程中普遍存在的问题,针对受材料弱各向异性影响的岩石热致裂问题,基于能量守恒定律和变分原理,在经典相场框架内引入横观各向同性本构和二阶结构张量,实现了材料各向异性表征,基于法向应变拉压分解建立断裂驱动力,提出了横观各向同性岩石脆性断裂的热力耦合相场模型,通过解析解和淬火试验结果同数值模拟结果比较,验证了模型的可靠性。在此基础上,针对横观各向同性岩石两侧恒温差边界热冲击断裂问题进行模拟,所提出的模型能够很好地再现横观各向同性岩石的热断裂行为。最后针对横观各向同性非均质岩石变温边界下准静态热断裂进行建模,进行各向异性热力参数敏感性分析。研究结果表明:热力参数各向异性对裂纹扩展机制有显著影响,平行于层理方向上,裂纹因刚度增大受到抑制,而沿着临界断裂能低的方向更容易扩展;热导率增大对裂纹扩展有先促进后抑制的作用,而热膨胀系数增大使裂缝更容易沿该方向萌生。同等各向异性水平下,热膨胀系数对裂纹扩展形态影响最大,其次是力学参数,导热系数的影响最小。


    Abstract: Thermally induced deformation and cracking in rocks with bedding structures are common issues in geotechnical engineering, such as in geothermal mining and nuclear waste storage. To address thermal cracking in rocks affected by weak material anisotropy, this study applies the law of energy conservation and the variational principle within the classical phase field framework. Transversely isotropic constitutive relations and second-order structural tensors are introduced to characterize material anisotropy. The fracture driving force is formulated based on the normal strain tension and compression decomposition, and various transversely isotropic structures are proposed. The thermal-mechanical coupled phase field model for brittle fracture in transversely isotropic rocks is validated by comparing analytical solutions and quenching test results with numerical simulations to ensure model reliability. Subsequently, the thermal shock fracture problem in transversely isotropic rocks with constant temperature differences on both sides is simulated where the proposed model reproduces the thermal fracture behavior of transversely isotropic rocks very well. Finally, quasi-static thermal fracture modeling of transversely isotropic heterogeneous rocks under variable temperature boundaries is conducted, along with a sensitivity analysis of anisotropic thermodynamic parameters. The results indicate that anisotropy in thermal parameters significantly affects crack expansion mechanisms. Cracks are suppressed parallel to the bedding direction due to increased stiffness but are more likely to propagate along directions with lower critical fracture energy. Larger particles can initially promote but later inhibit crack expansion, while an increased thermal expansion coefficient facilitates crack initiation. At the same anisotropy level, the thermal expansion coefficient has the greatest influence on crack propagation, followed by mechanical parameters, with thermal conductivity having the smallest effect.


