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冯俊, 赵伯明, 王子珺. 考虑同震位移的隧道地震动力响应分析[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240966
引用本文: 冯俊, 赵伯明, 王子珺. 考虑同震位移的隧道地震动力响应分析[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240966
Seismic dynamic response analysis for tunnel considering coseismic displacement[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240966
Citation: Seismic dynamic response analysis for tunnel considering coseismic displacement[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240966


Seismic dynamic response analysis for tunnel considering coseismic displacement

  • 摘要: 断层错动是一种动态冲击荷载,并在断层附近引起地层的永久变形。首先,根据有限断层震源和地壳模型,基于分层位错理论计算地层的同震位移。然后,基于考虑脉冲周期、峰值位移和永久位移的滑冲效应地震动表示式,将同震位移转化为动态过程,提出一种考虑同震位移的隧道地震动力分析方法。以2022年门源6.9级地震为例,分析了大梁隧道的错动变形和破坏特征,验证了计算模型的合理性。研究了地震动的脉冲周期和峰值位移对隧道结构地震响应分析的影响规律:脉冲周期越小,单向速度脉冲幅值越大,断层错动的冲击效应越明显,隧道破坏越严重;当脉冲周期不变时,峰值位移越大隧道破坏越严重,并且位移回弹对结构损伤的影响不可忽视;相较于脉冲周期,位移峰值对隧道的破坏效应更加显著。


    Abstract: Fault slip is a form of dynamic impact load that induces permanent deformation in the vicinity of the fault. Based on the finite-fault source and crustal velocity model, coseismic displacement was computed according to the layered dislocation theory. Then, this paper presented a fling-step effect ground motion expression considering the pulse period, peak displacement and permanent displacement. According to the fling-step effect ground motion expression, the coseismic displacement field was transformed into a dynamic displacement process, and the seismic response of tunnels considering permanent displacement was analyzed. Taking the 2022 Menyuan earthquake as an example, the deformation and damage characteristics of the Daliang tunnel were analyzed, validating the rationality of the proposed method. Additionally, the impacts of pulse period and peak displacement of near-fault ground motions on seismic response analysis of crossing fault tunnel were investigated: shorter pulse periods correspond to larger unidirectional velocity pulse amplitudes, resulting in more pronounced impact effects of fault slip and more severe tunnel damage; at constant pulse period, higher peak displacements result in more severe tunnel damage, and the impact of displacement rebound on structural damage is not negligible; the destructive effect of peak displacements on tunnels is more pronounced compared to pulse periods of ground motions.


