During the construction process, it is often difficult to maintain the ideal state of the shield tunnel excavation axis, and the cutterhead may deviate in various directions along the tunnel circumference, resulting in the center of the cutterhead not coinciding with the center of the pipe segment, making the existing load calculation methods for shield tunnels inadequate. In view of this, an analytical model for soil deformation due to shield attitude deviation was established, and a method for calculating the additional loads resulting from such deviations was proposed. Based on the existing stress function forms and combined with certain boundary conditions, a formula for calculating the additional earth pressure due to shield attitude deviation was derived. Finally, the rationality of the additional earth pressure formula was verified through numerical calculations and in-situ tests, and sensitivity analysis was conducted on the main influencing parameters. The results show that the theoretical and numerical calculations show significant discrepancies at the crown and invert, but overall exhibit good agreement. The Terzaghi formula ignores the influence of shield attitude offset on the earth pressure of the tunnel, which leads to a large difference between the calculated earth pressure and the actual earth pressure of the tunnel. And the value of the modified formula is more consistent with the value of in-situ tests. And the deviation-induced additional earth pressure in soft ground is less sensitive to the change of tunnel depth gradually. Conversely, it is more sensitive to the change of deviation, soil elastic modulus, internal friction angle or cohesive.