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姜宝莹, 何宁, 张桂荣, 周金晶, 李欣然, 石川, 张双林. 前锋型降雨下草本植物根系固土护坡机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240848
引用本文: 姜宝莹, 何宁, 张桂荣, 周金晶, 李欣然, 石川, 张双林. 前锋型降雨下草本植物根系固土护坡机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240848
Research on Mechanism of Soil Reinforcement and Slope Protection of Herbaceous Plant Roots in Advanced Rainfall Pattern[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240848
Citation: Research on Mechanism of Soil Reinforcement and Slope Protection of Herbaceous Plant Roots in Advanced Rainfall Pattern[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240848


Research on Mechanism of Soil Reinforcement and Slope Protection of Herbaceous Plant Roots in Advanced Rainfall Pattern

  • 摘要: 降雨作用易引发河道岸坡及其防护工程失稳破坏。为保证我国岸线生态修复工程的顺利实施,以根系生长12个月的(10 + 10) g/m2四季青+百喜草根系为例,研究前锋型降雨下草本植物根系固土护坡机理。应用大型物理模型试验,阐述前锋型降雨下裸土岸坡和植生岸坡的变形过程,揭示裸土和根系土体积含水率、孔隙水压力和基质吸力变化规律,获得裸土和根系土水力性质关系表达式。建立某一时刻降雨下岸坡稳定性分析模型,阐明前锋型降雨下岸坡稳定安全系数随岸坡深度及降雨时间的变化规律。结果表明:(1) 前锋型降雨下,裸土岸坡的稳定性相较于植生岸坡更易受到前期150 mm/h降雨的影响,后期50 mm/h降雨对植生岸坡的稳定性影响较小;(2) 前锋型降雨下,草本植物根系提高了30 cm深度含根土层稳定性,但降低了临近含根区域35 cm至60 cm土体稳定性,对100 cm更深处土体稳定性的影响较小;(3) 草本植物根系有利于延长岸坡保持稳定的时间,减轻岸坡的破坏程度,发挥较好的水土保持效应。为了保证岸坡的长期稳定性,草本植物根系需与其他工程结构共同作用。本研究结果为长江中下游生态护岸工程实际建设提供必要的数据基础和理论支撑。


    Abstract: Destruction of slopes and their protection engineering are often cause by rainfall. For the implementation of ecological restoration project on the shorelines in our country, using the root system of (10 + 10) g/m2 Agrostis stolonifera + Paspalum notatum Flüggé grown for 12 months as an example, the mechanism of soil reinforcement and slope protection of herbaceous plant roots in the advanced rainfall pattern is researched. In the paper, the advanced rainfall pattern is simulated for the deformation of slope and the variation of the water content, pore pressure and suction. The expression of the relation of hydraulic characteristics of bare soil and root soil. A new stability analysis model under rainfall at a specific time is proposed for explaining the impact of depth and rainfall duration on stability factor. The results show that (1) in the advanced rainfall pattern, the stability of the soil slope is more susceptible to the effects of the early 150 mm/h rainfall compared to vegetated slopes, and the impact of subsequent 50 mm/h rainfall on the stability of the vegetative slope is relatively minor; (2) herbaceous roots improve the stability of 30 cm depth of root soil layer, deteriorate the stability of 35 cm to 60 cm soil medium layer near root soil layer. The deeper than 100 cm soil layer is lightly influenced by roots; (3) herbaceous roots can prolong the stability of slope, reduce soil erosion, and protect soil and water. However, herbaceous roots should work with other engineering structures for the long-term stability of bank slope. The paper provides necessary data and theories for the construction of ecological bank protection projects in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.


