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李海潮, 魏英杰, 童晨曦, 范怡飞, 蔡靖. 堆石料分数阶广义塑性模型[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240847
引用本文: 李海潮, 魏英杰, 童晨曦, 范怡飞, 蔡靖. 堆石料分数阶广义塑性模型[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240847
Fractional Generalized Plastic Model for Rockfill[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240847
Citation: Fractional Generalized Plastic Model for Rockfill[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240847


Fractional Generalized Plastic Model for Rockfill

  • 摘要: 本文将Caputo分数阶微分方法引入传统的广义塑性理论,建立了适用于粗粒土的分数阶广义塑性模型。该模型采用分数阶流动法则,通过将分数阶应力微分算子作用于屈服函数,可以得到新的剪胀方程,并最终给出新的加载方向和塑性流动方向的表达式。研究成果表明:分数阶数是关于状态参量的表达式,在剪切过程中状态参量的演变会诱导加载方向和塑性流动方向之间的夹角发生变化,并在临界状态等于零;因此,岩土材料具有动态非正交变形特点,而经典的非关联流动法则在描述该特性时存在理论不足,需要引入额外的塑性势函数。本文建立的分数阶广义塑性模型能够为解决该理论难题提供新的研究思路,在确定状态参量和塑性模量等方面,该模型也与传统方法有所不同。通过将模型计算结果与不同类型堆石料的排水和不排水三轴压缩试验结果进行对比,均取得了较好的拟合效果,初步证明了本文模型的有效性。


    Abstract: this paper extends the theory of generalised plasticity by applying the fractional differentiation approach to develop a new fractional constitutive model for rockfill. The proposed model employs a so-called fractional flow rule and applies the fractional differential operation on the yield surface to derive a new dilatancy equation. New representations of the plastic flow direction and the loading direction are provided by allowing the fractional order to equal or not equal 1.0. The current study suggests that the evolution of the relative positions between the plastic flow direction and the loading direction is influenced by the state parameter, as it alters the value of the fractional order. The fractional generalised plastic model can capture this non-orthogonal deformation characteristic without introducing an additional plastic potential function. Moreover, the proposed model features new representations of the state parameter and the plastic modulus while incorporating a limited number of material constants to simplify its formula. The model's predictions are compared with the triaxial test data of various types of rockfill under both drained and undrained conditions to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model in describing the strength and deformation characteristics of the rockfill.


