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张雨坤, 宫伟远, 李大勇, 张恒. 水平不共面单调及循环荷载作用下裙式吸力基础循环承载特性试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240810
引用本文: 张雨坤, 宫伟远, 李大勇, 张恒. 水平不共面单调及循环荷载作用下裙式吸力基础循环承载特性试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240810
Model test on the cyclic bearing behavior of modified suction caisson in sand under misalignment lateral monotonic and cyclic loadings[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240810
Citation: Model test on the cyclic bearing behavior of modified suction caisson in sand under misalignment lateral monotonic and cyclic loadings[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240810


Model test on the cyclic bearing behavior of modified suction caisson in sand under misalignment lateral monotonic and cyclic loadings

  • 摘要: 裙式吸力基础具有承载力高,控制侧移能力强的优点,非常适合作为深远海超大容量海上风机基础形式。作用于海上风机结构的风浪荷载具有长期不共面性,导致基础承载特性异常复杂。开展模型试验,研究砂土中裙式吸力基础在不共面单调荷载(模拟风荷载)和循环荷载(模拟波浪荷载)作用下的累积侧移、运动规律及水平承载力变化规律。试验结果表明,共面加载下,裙式吸力基础运动方向与荷载方向始终一致;不共面加载下,裙式吸力基础在水平面内逐渐向单调荷载方向运动,这种现象随循环荷载幅值和双向循环加载程度的增大逐渐明显。相同循环荷载次数下,裙式吸力基础总累积侧移最大值出现在单调荷载和循环荷载夹角为30°情况,说明将风浪荷载等效为共面作用进行分析设计,结果将偏于危险。各荷载夹角下,裙式吸力基础的总累积侧移均小于传统吸力基础。基于试验结果,得到了不共面单调及循环荷载共同作用下,裙式吸力基础水平面内总累积侧移预测公式。此外,裙式吸力基础在共面及不共面加载后,水平承载力均较加载前有所提升,原因为循环加载使基础周围砂土变密实。然而,不共面加载后,裙式吸力基础承载力低于共面加载情况,降低幅度随单调荷载和循环荷载夹角的增大逐渐增加。加载前后,裙式吸力基础水平承载力均显著高于传统吸力基础。研究成果对裙式吸力基础在深远海风电的推广应用提供了借鉴。


    Abstract: The modified suction caisson (MSC) has the advantages of high bearing capacity and ability to control lateral deflection, which is very suitable as a foundation for ultra-large offshore wind turbines. The wind and wave loads acting on offshore wind turbine structures have misalignment behavior, resulting in extremely complex foundation bearing characteristics. Model tests were carried out to study the responses of the accumulative lateral deflection, motion law and horizontal bearing capacity of the MSC in sand to misalignment monotonic (simulated wind load) and cyclic loadings (simulated wave load). Results show that under coplanar loading, the motion direction of the MSC is always consistent with the direction of load. However, under misalignment loading, the MSC gradually moves to the monotonic load direction in the horizontal plane, and this phenomenon gradually becomes obvious with the increase of the cyclic load amplitude and the degree of bidirectional cyclic loading. Under the same loading cycles, the maximum total accumulative lateral deflection of the MSC occurs when the angle between the monotonic load and the cyclic load is 30°. Under each load angle, the total accumulative lateral deflection of the MSC is smaller than that of the regular suction caisson. Based on the experimental results, the prediction formula of the total accumulative lateral deflection in the horizontal plane of the MSC under the combined action of misalignment monotonic and cyclic load is obtained. In addition, the horizontal bearing capacity of the MSC after misalignment loading increases with that prior to misalignment loading. The reason is that the sand around the foundation becomes compacted due to cyclic loading. However, after misalignment loading, the bearing capacity of the MSC is lower than thatunder the coplanar loading, and the reduction value gradually increases with the increase of the angle between the monotonic load and the cyclic load. The research results provide a reference for the application of MSC.


