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陈远峰, 艾智勇, 马占国, 叶梓坤, 茅献彪. 基于有限元-边界元耦合方法的嵌岩群桩时效行为研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240782
引用本文: 陈远峰, 艾智勇, 马占国, 叶梓坤, 茅献彪. 基于有限元-边界元耦合方法的嵌岩群桩时效行为研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240782
Research on time-dependent behavior of rock-socketed pile group based on FEM-BEM coupling method[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240782
Citation: Research on time-dependent behavior of rock-socketed pile group based on FEM-BEM coupling method[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240782


Research on time-dependent behavior of rock-socketed pile group based on FEM-BEM coupling method

  • 摘要: 针对嵌岩群桩的时效行为,本文采用有限元法将群桩离散为单桩与桩单元,通过三节点轴力杆来模拟桩单元,组装得到群桩的总刚度矩阵方程;引入分数阶Merchant模型及分数阶Poyting-Thomson模型,以分别描述上覆土体与饱和软岩的黏弹性特征;然后根据饱和岩土介质与嵌岩群桩相互作用的耦合方程,并考虑承台处的受力平衡及位移协调条件,推导得到竖向受荷嵌岩群桩各基桩桩顶反力及承台位移的矩阵解答;结合李氏比拟法及Laplace积分变换技术,最终得到竖向受荷嵌岩群桩时效问题的解答。设计数值算例讨论岩体分数阶次及黏弹性参数对嵌岩群桩时效行为的影响,结果表明:嵌岩群桩的承台变形和各基桩桩顶反力随时间逐渐增大并趋于稳定。


    Abstract: For the time-dependent behavior of rock-socketed pile groups, the finite element method is utilized to discretize the pile group into singles and pile elements, and the global stiffness matrix equation of the pile group can be obtained by assembling the pile elements simulated by the three-nodal axial rod. Then, the fractional Merchant model and the fractional Poyting-Thomson model are introduced to describe the viscoelastic characteristics of the overlying soil layer and saturated soft rock, respectively. Based on the coupling equation of the interaction between the saturated rock-soil mass and the rock-socketed pile group, and the equilibrium condition and the compatibility condition of pile cap, the matrix solution of the top reaction force of each single pile and the displacement of the cap is derived. Combining Li's analogy method and the Laplace transformation technology, the solution to the time-dependent behavior of vertically loaded rock-socketed pile group is finally obtained. Some examples are designed to discuss the influence of the fractional order and the viscoelastic parameter of rock mass on the time-dependent behavior of the pile group, showing that the deformation of the pile cap and the top reaction force of each pile in rock-socketed pile group gradually increases over time and eventually stabilize.


