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孙齐昊, 柳献. 考虑黏土含量影响的地下工程渗流侵蚀试验与数值研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240766
引用本文: 孙齐昊, 柳献. 考虑黏土含量影响的地下工程渗流侵蚀试验与数值研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240766
Model test and numerical analysis on seepage erosion in underground structures considering the influence of clay content[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240766
Citation: Model test and numerical analysis on seepage erosion in underground structures considering the influence of clay content[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240766


Model test and numerical analysis on seepage erosion in underground structures considering the influence of clay content

  • 摘要: 地下工程涌水涌砂险情会引发周围土体的渗流侵蚀,进而造成地表沉降与塌陷,对城市安全造成巨大威胁。现有研究主要针对砂土地层渗流侵蚀开展,对不同地层条件下渗流侵蚀的发展过程和原理尚缺乏系统研究。为了探明含有不同黏土比例的地层中地下工程渗流侵蚀的破坏模式与力学机理,设计并开展渗流侵蚀模型试验,研究不同黏土含量下土体渗流侵蚀发展模式的宏观现象差异;进一步建立考虑黏土渗流侵蚀退化的有限差分法-离散元流固耦合数值分析模型,对不同渗流侵蚀发展模式的细观机理进行对比,进而探讨产生不同侵蚀破坏模式的力学机理。研究结果表明:(1)土体渗流侵蚀发展模式可分为无法成拱、成拱且发展、成拱且稳定三类;(2)三种侵蚀发展模式的宏观现象不同,表现在侵蚀发展过程、流速分布、地层变形状态等方面;(3)三种渗流侵蚀模式的细观机制有差异,表现在侵蚀范围、土拱效应、土压力分布等方面;(4)考虑黏土渗流侵蚀退化的有限差分法-离散元流固耦合模型能够有效模拟不同渗流侵蚀模式土体的发展过程;(5)提出极限张拉破坏高度的计算方法,从机理上解释三种侵蚀模式的差异来源。研究结果为城市地下工程发生渗漏时风险评估与应对措施提供了重要参考依据。


    Abstract: Leakage of water and sand in underground structures can cause seepage erosion of the surrounding soil, leading to ground subsidence that poses a significant threat to urban safety. Previous research has mainly focused on seepage erosion in sandy soils, and little is known about the development process and mechanism of this phenomenon in different stratum conditions. To explore the failure patterns and mechanisms of seepage erosion in underground structures within strata containing different clay contents, seepage erosion model tests were designed and conducted, and the differences in phenomena of seepage erosion development under varying clay content were analyzed. Additionally, a Finite Difference Method-Discrete Element Method fluid-solid coupling numerical analysis model considering clay seepage erosion degradation was established. This model was used to compare the microscopic mechanisms of different seepage erosion development patterns, thereby exploring the mechanisms underlying the different erosion failure modes. The results show that: (1) the soil can be categorized into three types: No soil cave soil, Unstable soil cave soil, and Stable soil cave soil, according to the differences in the development mode of the soil when seepage erosion occurs; (2) The macroscopic phenomena of the three erosion development modes are different, which are characterized by the erosion development process, flow velocity distribution, and ground deformation; (3) The microscopic mechanisms of the three seepage erosion modes are different, which are characterize d by the erosion area, soil arch effect, and load distribution; (4) The coupled flow-solid Finite Difference Method-Discrete Element Method model, which takes into account the seepage erosion degradation of the clays, is able to simulate the development process of the soils in different seepage erosion modes efficiently; (5) The computation of the ultimate tensile height is proposed, which explains the differences of the three erosion modes in terms of the mechanism. The study results provide references for risk assessment and mitigation strategies in the event of leakage disasters.


