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苟乐宇, 张先伟, 王港, 严蕾, 朱华亮. 菌丝-麦麸-砂复合轻质土的强度形成机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240753
引用本文: 苟乐宇, 张先伟, 王港, 严蕾, 朱华亮. 菌丝-麦麸-砂复合轻质土的强度形成机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240753
Study on strength formation mechanism of Mycelium Bio-composites Lightweight Soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240753
Citation: Study on strength formation mechanism of Mycelium Bio-composites Lightweight Soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240753


Study on strength formation mechanism of Mycelium Bio-composites Lightweight Soil

  • 摘要: 菌丝-麦麸-砂复合轻质土(MBLS)是一种由真菌菌丝、麦麸、砂土组成的绿色型轻质土工材料,因其质量轻、无污染等优势受到了广泛关注。目前对MBLS的宏观力学特性研究较多,但对微观特征研究较少。本文通过X射线衍射试验、傅里叶红外光谱试验、扫描电子显微镜试验和X射线能谱试验对菌丝-砂复合轻质土的强度形成机理进行研究。试验发现,菌丝定殖后的试样没有生成新的矿物种类,仅包含文石与方解石,但矿物含量、结晶尺寸和结晶度发生变化,文石与方解石的变化规律不同;菌丝定殖过程与颗粒发生氧化反应,定殖后的试样官能团发生明显变化,伴有多糖、酯类化合物与无机产物生成,颗粒表面疏水性提升。菌丝吸附并穿透钙质砂表面的孔隙和裂纹进行定殖,定殖过程伴随已有碳酸钙矿物的溶解与文石型碳酸钙的生成。MBLS试样强度的形成是生物化学和生物物理共同作用的结果。菌丝细胞外壁和胞外聚合物的极性基团首先与颗粒表面负电荷、金属阳离子以氢键、吸附、共沉淀和结晶(文石型碳酸钙)等方式结合形成微型团聚体;菌丝生长对的颗粒挤压与牵引作用将团聚体扩大,菌丝串联各团聚体、填充孔隙并最终组成菌丝-麦麸-砂复合轻质土的强度。本研究对绿色环保型的轻质土工材料研发与应用有一定的研究意义。


    Abstract: Mycelium-sand composite lightweight soil (MBLS) is a lightweight geotechnical material composed of fungal mycelium, wheat bran, and sand. It has attracted significant attention due to its lightweight and environmentally friendly properties. While much research has focused on its macroscopic mechanical properties, studies on its microscopic characteristics remain limited. This paper investigates the strength formation mechanism of MBLS using X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray energy spectroscopy. The results indicate that fungal colonization did not generate new mineral species, with only aragonite and calcite present. However, changes were observed in mineral content, crystallite size, and crystallinity, with distinct patterns of change for aragonite and calcite. During colonization, oxidation reactions occurred between the fungus and the particles, resulting in significant alterations to the functional groups on the sample surfaces. This process led to the formation of polysaccharides, ester compounds, and inorganic products, which enhanced the hydrophobicity of the particles. The mycelium adhered to and penetrated the pores and cracks on the surface of calcareous sand, dissolving existing calcium carbonate minerals and forming aragonite-type calcium carbonate. The strength of the MBLS specimens resulted from the combined effects of biochemical and biophysical processes. Polar groups from the fungal cell walls and extracellular polymers initially bonded with the negatively charged surfaces of the particles and metal cations through hydrogen bonding, adsorption, co-precipitation, and crystallization, forming microaggregates. The growth of the mycelium applied pressure and traction on the particles, enlarging the aggregates. The mycelium then linked the aggregates and filled the voids, ultimately forming the mycelium-sand composite lightweight soil. This study provides insights for the development and application of environmentally friendly lightweight geotechnical materials.


