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杨志浩, 程世奥, 岳祖润, 赵得杰, 李同海. 锥形桩冻拔特性多因素影响规律及抗拔机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240657
引用本文: 杨志浩, 程世奥, 岳祖润, 赵得杰, 李同海. 锥形桩冻拔特性多因素影响规律及抗拔机理研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240657
Research on the multifactorial influence patterns and resistance mechanisms of frost heave characteristics in conical piles[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240657
Citation: Research on the multifactorial influence patterns and resistance mechanisms of frost heave characteristics in conical piles[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240657


Research on the multifactorial influence patterns and resistance mechanisms of frost heave characteristics in conical piles

  • 摘要: 为探究锥形桩冻拔特性演变特征及抗拔机理,研发锥形桩抗冻拔性能测试装置,开展单向冻结下锥形桩冻拔试验,分析桩体材质、锥角、桩周土含水率及冻融循环对锥形桩冻拔性能的影响规律,讨论锥形桩抗拔机理。表明:同等条件下,桩体冻拔位移随锥角增大呈指数形式递减;随冻融循环次数增大,直柱桩冻拔位移增长速率呈半对数形式增长,而锥形桩变化不明显;桩体材质对锥形桩冻拔特性影响显著,且木质桩体会发生融拔现象;单向冻结过程中桩周土内部水分由底部向上迁移,初始含水率越大,水分迁移越明显,桩体冻拔位移越大,但含水率对冻拔位移影响程度弱于锥角;桩周土冻结过程中冻深增大,桩体表面切向冻胀力增大、法向冻胀力由压应力逐渐减小并转换为拉应力,当上述两个力分别大于桩土切向冻结强度和极限法向抗拉强度时,桩体发生冻拔。综合考虑抗冻拔、经济性及对冻土保护,抗冻拔锥形桩锥角宜设计为7°~9°,但仍需考虑桩深参数。


    Abstract: To investigate the evolution characteristics of the frost jacking behavior of conical piles and their resistance mechanisms, a testing device for the anti-frost jacking performance of conical piles was developed. Unidirectional freezing tests on conical piles were conducted to analyze the effects of pile material, cone angle, soil moisture content around the pile, and freeze-thaw cycles on the frost jacking performance of conical piles. The anti-frost jacking mechanisms of conical piles were also discussed. It is indicated that under the same conditions, the frost jacking displacement of the pile decreases exponentially with the increase in cone angle. As the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases, the growth rate of frost jacking displacement for vertical piles increases in a semi-logarithmic manner, while changes in conical piles are not significant. The pile material has a significant impact on the frost jacking characteristics of conical piles, and the wooden pile may experience thawing extraction. During the unidirectional freezing process, the moisture within the soil surrounding the pile migrates upward from the bottom; the greater the initial moisture content, the more pronounced the migration, leading to larger frost jacking displacements. However, the effect of moisture content on frost jacking displacement is weaker than that of the cone angle. During the freezing process of the soil around the pile, the freezing depth increases, the tangential frost jacking force on the pile surface increases, and the normal frost jacking force gradually decreases from compressive stress to tensile stress. When these two forces exceed the tangential freezing strength of the soil and the ultimate normal tensile strength, frost jacking of the pile occurs. Considering the resistance to frost jacking, economic factors, and the protection of frozen soil, the cone angle of the anti- frost jacking conical pile should be designed to be between 7° and 9°, but the pile depth must also be taken into account.


