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张迎宾, 覃一巧, 张世豪, 魏江涛, 熊亦翔, 刘永航. 初始剪应力和循环应力方向对饱和密砂液化特性的影响[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240591
引用本文: 张迎宾, 覃一巧, 张世豪, 魏江涛, 熊亦翔, 刘永航. 初始剪应力和循环应力方向对饱和密砂液化特性的影响[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240591
Effect of initial static shear stress and cyclic loading direction on the liquefaction behavior of saturated dense sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240591
Citation: Effect of initial static shear stress and cyclic loading direction on the liquefaction behavior of saturated dense sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240591


Effect of initial static shear stress and cyclic loading direction on the liquefaction behavior of saturated dense sand

  • 摘要: 边坡土单元体在地震荷载作用期间同时受到初始剪应力和循环应力的作用,且初始剪应力和循环应力作用方向往往不同。为探究初始剪应力和循环应力作用方向对饱和密砂液化特性的影响,对饱和密砂进行了一系列固结不排水多向循环单剪试验。试验结果表明:饱和密砂的破坏模式主要包括循环活动性和累积塑性应变两种,破坏模式受初始剪应力大小的影响;初始剪应力的存在会降低饱和密砂的抗液化强度,但垂直加载模式下饱和密砂的抗液化强度比平行加载模式下高约5%~7%;不同加载模式下均表现出损耗能的累积速率随初始剪应力的增加而增大的现象,初始剪应力作用下饱和密砂的损耗能累积速率加快是导致其抗液化强度降低的内在原因;饱和密砂的残余孔压和损耗能的归一化曲线在对数坐标下呈现出线性关系。


    Abstract: Soil unit of a sloping ground under seismic loading with initial static shear stress and cyclic loading, which has different direction respectively. To investigate the effect of the direction between initial static shear stress and cyclic loading on saturated dense sand, a series of consolidated undrained multidirectional cyclic simple shear tests for saturated dense sand had been completed. The study results show as follows. These main failure types of saturated dense sand are cyclic mobility and accumulated plastic strain which effected by initial static shear stress value. Initial static shear stress will decrease liquefaction resistance of saturated dense sand, but liquefaction resistance under perpendicular loading mode is 5%~7% higher than under parallel loading mode. In different loading mode, accumulation rate of the energy dissipation increases as initial static shear stress increasing, the energy dissipation accumulation rate increasing under initial static shear stress is the internal reason which leads to liquefaction resistance decrease of saturated dense sand. The normalized curve between residual pore pressure and the energy dissipation of saturated dense sand emerges a linear correlation under logarithmic coordinates.


