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邓友生, 肇慧玲, 刘军勇, 庄子颖, 吴阿龙, 陈茁. 螺槽桩桩网复合地基荷载传递特性试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240528
引用本文: 邓友生, 肇慧玲, 刘军勇, 庄子颖, 吴阿龙, 陈茁. 螺槽桩桩网复合地基荷载传递特性试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240528
Experimental investigation on load transfer characteristics of screw groove pile-geogrid composite foundation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240528
Citation: Experimental investigation on load transfer characteristics of screw groove pile-geogrid composite foundation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240528


Experimental investigation on load transfer characteristics of screw groove pile-geogrid composite foundation

  • 摘要: 螺槽桩桩网复合地基作为一种新型地基处理方法,可有效减小地基沉降提高地基承载性能。开展圆桩和螺槽桩桩网复合地基模型试验,对比研究路堤荷载作用下路基变形、桩土应力比、荷载分担比、格栅应变及桩身轴力分布规律,并进一步探究桩网复合地基中螺槽桩桩-土作用机理。结果表明:螺槽桩桩网复合地基在桩体材料用量仅为传统圆桩52.1%时,可减小路堤顶面沉降约27.3%,显著提高桩网复合地基变形控制效果。相较于圆桩桩网复合地基,螺槽桩桩网复合地基加筋材料应变在路基横断面及纵断面均出现明显增幅,充分发挥加筋垫层柔性筏板效应与拉膜效应。在路堤荷载下,螺槽桩较圆桩桩网复合地基桩土应力比显著,其荷载分担比上升约11.8%,螺槽桩利用桩侧螺旋形槽体结构的多端承载特性及加筋垫层应力扩散效应叠加带动桩周土体共同承载,增强桩-土-加筋垫层相互作用,大幅提高桩体材料利用率,减少原材料用量,促进碳减排。


    Abstract: As a new foundation treatment method, the screw groove pile-geogrid composite foundation can effectively reduce the foundation settlement and improve the bearing performance of composite foundation. Laboratory model tests of circular pile-geogrid and screw groove pile-geogrid composite foundation were carried out to analyze the difference of deformation of embankment, pile-soil stress ratio, load sharing ratio, strain of the geogrid and the axial distribution of pile. And to further investigate the mechanical mechanism of the screw groove pile-soil action in the pile-geogrid composite foundation. The results show that the screw groove pile- geogrid composite foundation reduces the settlement of the embankment top surface by about 27.3% when the amount of pile material is only 52.1% of the traditional circular pile, which significantly improves the deformation control effect of the composite foundation. The strain of the geogrid on the screw groove pile-geogrid composite foundation increases significantly in both the transverse and longitudinal directions of the embankment, when compared to the circular pile-geogrid composite foundation, and the flexible raft and tensioned membrane are fully utilized. Under embankment loading, the pile-soil stress ratio of screw groove piles is significantly higher than that of circular pile-geogrid composite foundation, and its load sharing ratio rises by about 11.8%. The screw groove pile utilizes the multi-end bearing of the screw groove structure on the pile side and the superposition of the stress diffusion effect of the reinforced cushion to drive the soil around the pile to carry the load together, which enhances the interaction between the pile-soil-reinforced cushion, greatly improves the utilization rate of the pile material, reduces the amount of cement, and promotes the reduction of carbon emissions.


