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曹雪山, 施钦译, 薛猛, 廖志彬, 袁俊平, 丁国权. 全库盘土工膜防渗水库渗漏的数值模拟方法研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240444
引用本文: 曹雪山, 施钦译, 薛猛, 廖志彬, 袁俊平, 丁国权. 全库盘土工膜防渗水库渗漏的数值模拟方法研究[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240444
Study on Leakage Characteristics in Full-Bottom Geomembrane Impermeable Reservoirs of Xixia[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240444
Citation: Study on Leakage Characteristics in Full-Bottom Geomembrane Impermeable Reservoirs of Xixia[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240444


Study on Leakage Characteristics in Full-Bottom Geomembrane Impermeable Reservoirs of Xixia

  • 摘要: 渗漏是水库运维安全的关键性影响因素,而关于土工膜缺陷渗漏的研究水平尚处于试验阶段,未见有报道土工膜防渗水库缺陷渗漏数值模拟方法方面的成果。首先阐述缺陷土工膜渗漏的研究难点,并根据土工膜缺陷渗流特征,提出缺陷土工膜防渗层的模拟方法;然后基于1360天的水库渗漏监测数据,建立水库三维土工膜缺陷渗流模型,反演水库10个运行过程的缺陷土工膜防渗层渗透系数。通过验证表明研究方法合理,揭示了随着水库向动态高库水位运行,缺陷土工膜防渗层渗透系数由降低、升高及稳定三个阶段,符合土工膜下粗粒土的渗透变形规律,并与土工膜下监测点的渗压及渗压降的三个阶段对应。研究成果为土工膜防渗水库安全运营评价提供技术支撑。


    Abstract: Leakage significantly impacts the operational and maintenance safety of reservoirs. Research on defective geomembrane leakage remains largely experimental, with limited exploration of numerical simulation methods specifically focused on impermeable reservoirs with defective geomembranes. Addressing the research challenges associated with defective geomembrane leakage, a simulation method was proposed based on the seepage characteristics of geomembrane defects. Based on an analysis of 1360 days of reservoir leakage monitoring data, a three-dimensional reservoir geomembrane defect seepage model was developed. The permeability coefficients of the defective geomembrane anti-seepage layer were estimated and validated using data from ten processes of operational reservoirs. The validation shows that the research method is reasonable and reveals that with the operation of the reservoir to the dynamic high reservoir level, the permeability coefficient of the impermeable layer of the defective geomembrane consists of three phases of decreasing, increasing and stabilizing, which is in line with the law of infiltration and deformation of coarse-grained soil under the geomembrane and corresponds to the three phases of the seepage pressure and the seepage pressure drop in the monitoring points under the geomembrane. Research results provide technical support for the evaluation of safe operation of geomembrane impermeable reservoirs.


