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尹倩, 龚维明, 戴国亮, 王博臣, 竺明星, 阮静, 刘强, 张凡. 分形导数西元流变模型及其工程应用[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240193
引用本文: 尹倩, 龚维明, 戴国亮, 王博臣, 竺明星, 阮静, 刘强, 张凡. 分形导数西元流变模型及其工程应用[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240193
Fractal derivative Nishihara rheology model and its application[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240193
Citation: Fractal derivative Nishihara rheology model and its application[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240193


Fractal derivative Nishihara rheology model and its application

  • 摘要: 软土具有典型的非线性流变特性,传统黏弹塑性元件模型难以高效描述其三阶段流变行为。采用分形阻尼器取代传统阻尼器,考虑软土的损伤演化,提出了改进的能完整描述包含衰减流变、稳定流变及加速流变在内的三阶段西元黏弹塑性流变特性的分形导数流变模型,并给出了解析解。模型具有精度高和计算简捷的特点,与试验结果吻合良好,证明了其合理性。基于ABAQUS平台,编制了分形导数西元黏弹塑性流变模型的UMAT子程序,并通过软土三轴流变试验和路堤工程实例验证了子程序的有效性。结果表明,所建立的模型及开发的子程序能准确地反映软土的完整三阶段非线性流变特性。研究成果为软土分形导数黏弹塑性流变模型的建立及其在ABAQUS中的二次开发提供借鉴与参考。


    Abstract: Soft soil exhibits typical nonlinear rheological characteristics, which cannot be accurately described by traditional element models. By replacing the traditional damper with fractal damper and considering the damage effect of soil, an improved nonlinear fractal derivative Nishihara viscoelastic-plastic rheological model which can fully describe the decay stage, steady stage and accelerated stage of rheology is proposed and the analytical solution is given. The fitting result of the proposed model is in good agreement with the test result, which proves its higher precision and simpler calculation. The corresponding UMAT subroutine of the improved rheological model is compiled by ABAQUS, and the effectiveness is verified by triaxial creep tests and an embankment case. The comparison results show that the established model and developed subroutine can accurately reflect the complete three-stage viscoelastic-plastic rheological characteristics of soft soil. The research results provide reference for the establishment of viscoelastic-plastic fractal derivative rheological model in soft soil and its secondary development and application in ABAQUS.


