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路德春, 石安毓, 周鑫, 杜修力. 基于超对偶数微分的无约束应力更新算法[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240138
引用本文: 路德春, 石安毓, 周鑫, 杜修力. 基于超对偶数微分的无约束应力更新算法[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240138
An unconstrained stress update algorithm based on the hyper dual step derivative approximation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240138
Citation: An unconstrained stress update algorithm based on the hyper dual step derivative approximation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240138


An unconstrained stress update algorithm based on the hyper dual step derivative approximation

  • 摘要: 加卸载判断和繁琐的解析求导运算一直是制约先进弹塑性模型数值应用的瓶颈问题。研究提出一种基于超对偶数微分方法的无约束应力隐式更新算法,有效解决了上述计算难点。针对加卸载判断问题,新算法利用光滑函数代替弹塑性本构方程组中的Karush-Kuhn-Tucker条件,将受不等式约束的非线性应力积分方程组问题,转化为无约束的最小化问题,计算时无需加卸载判断。针对导数计算问题,新算法利用超对偶数微分方法代替解析求导,获得光滑函数的1阶导数以及塑性势函数的1阶和2阶导数,用于构造非线性计算的迭代公式,以保证局部应力更新迭代和全局平衡迭代的二次收敛速度。数值算例表明,相较于其它数值微分方法,超对偶数微分方法不受截断误差和减法消去误差影响,计算结果等同于解析求导。最后,基于所提算法编写了光滑莫尔库伦塑性模型的UMAT子程序,并通过3个典型边值问题的数值分析,验证了算法的有效性和收敛性速度。


    Abstract: The loading/unloading judgment and analytical derivative operations have been the bottlenecks restricting numerical application of elastoplastic models. This work presents an unconstrained implicit stress update algorithm based on the hyper dual step derivative approximation, which solves the above calculation difficulties. Contrapose the problem of loading/unloading judgment, in the new algorithm, the nonlinear stress integral equations with inequality constraints are transformed into an unconstrained minimization problem by using the smooth function to replace the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Thus, there is no need for loading/unloading judgement during the calculation. To solve the problem of derivative evaluation, the algorithm uses the hyper dual step derivative approximation instead of the analytical derivative to obtain the 1st derivative of smooth function and the 1st and 2nd derivatives of plastic potential function, which are used to construct iterative formulas for nonlinear calculation, ensuring the quadratic convergence speed of local stress update iterations and global equilibrium iterations. Numerical examples demonstrate that, compared with other numerical differentiation methods, the hyper dual step derivative approximation is free from truncation errors and subtraction cancellation errors, and its computational results are almost equivalent to analytical derivation. Finally, based on the proposed algorithm, a UMAT subroutine of smooth Mohr-Coulomb plastic model is programmed. The effectiveness and convergence speed are verified through numerical analyses of three typical boundary value problems.


