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邱军领, 贾玎, 赖金星, 唐琨杰, 强磊. 含裂隙土质隧道降雨入渗双通道渗流模型[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 548-558. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231215
引用本文: 邱军领, 贾玎, 赖金星, 唐琨杰, 强磊. 含裂隙土质隧道降雨入渗双通道渗流模型[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 548-558. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231215
QIU Junling, JIA Ding, LAI Jinxing, TANG Kunjie, QIANG Lei. Dual-channel seepage model for tunnels with fissured soil under rainfall infiltration[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 548-558. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231215
Citation: QIU Junling, JIA Ding, LAI Jinxing, TANG Kunjie, QIANG Lei. Dual-channel seepage model for tunnels with fissured soil under rainfall infiltration[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 548-558. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231215


Dual-channel seepage model for tunnels with fissured soil under rainfall infiltration

  • 摘要: 通过含单一裂隙土层局部渗流性态分析中得到的现象和结果,提出双通道渗流模型理论。基于阶跃函数推导了降雨诱发渗流的边界条件及其转换公式,以既有文献中的降雨入渗模型为基础,讨论了阶跃函数过渡区长度的设定,结果发现过渡区长度为4或8个单位时,计算结果较为准确。应用上述结果,通过COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场耦合方法模拟了双通道渗流效应,并探究降雨入渗情况下含裂隙土体的隧道围岩变形特征。同时根据可能影响隧道降雨入渗变形特征的因素包括裂隙位置、降雨强度、裂隙宽度进行多因素影响性分析。结果表明:随着降雨时间的增长,近裂隙一侧隧道拱顶沉降和上部水平位移值明显高于远裂隙侧;裂隙宽度越大,降雨入渗扩展越快,隧道产生的位移越大。对比2 mm裂隙宽度的拱顶沉降和上部水平位移,隧道上方存在8 mm宽度裂隙时,拱顶沉降最大值达328 mm,增幅达6.5%,上部水平位移最大值为26 mm,增幅达44%;降雨强度则对隧道围岩的影响较小。


    Abstract: The theory of a dual-channel seepage model is proposed based on the phenomena and results obtained from the analysis of local seepage behavior in soil layers with a single fissure. By using the step function, the boundary conditions and transformation formula for rainfall-induced seepage are derived. Based on the existing rainfall infiltration models in literatures, the setting of the transition zone length for the step function is discussed. It is found that the calculated results are more accurate when the transition zone length is 4 or 8 units. Applying the above results, the dual-channel seepage effects are simulated using the COMSOL Multiphysics, and the deformation characteristics of the surrounding rock of tunnel with fractured soil under rainfall infiltration are explored. At the same time, a multi-factor impact analysis is conducted based on the factors that may affect the deformation characteristics of rainfall infiltration of the tunnel, including fissure location, rainfall intensity and fissure width. The results show that with the increase of rainfall time, the settlements of the arch and upper horizontal displacement of the tunnel at the side near the fissure are significantly higher than those at side the far from the fissure. The larger the fissure width, the faster the rainfall infiltration and expansion, and the greater the displacement generated by the tunnel. Comparing the settlement of the arch crown with a fissure width of 2 mm and the upper horizontal displacement, when there is a fissure width of 8 mm above the tunnel, the maximum settlement of the arch crown reaches 328 mm, an increase of 6.5%, and the maximum horizontal displacement of the upper part is 26 mm, an increase of 44%. The intensity of rainfall has a relatively small impact on the surrounding rock of the tunnel.


