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蔡正银, 范开放, 朱洵. 基于现场试验的海上筒型基础风电结构动力特性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 443-452. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231183
引用本文: 蔡正银, 范开放, 朱洵. 基于现场试验的海上筒型基础风电结构动力特性研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 443-452. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231183
CAI Zhengyin, FAN Kaifang, ZHU Xun. Dynamic characteristics of offshore wind power with bucket foundation based on field tests[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 443-452. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231183
Citation: CAI Zhengyin, FAN Kaifang, ZHU Xun. Dynamic characteristics of offshore wind power with bucket foundation based on field tests[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 443-452. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231183


Dynamic characteristics of offshore wind power with bucket foundation based on field tests

  • 摘要: 海上风电结构在正常服役过程中长期承受风、浪等复杂环境荷载,其结构动力特性是整机安全性评估的重要依据。基于江苏如东复合筒型基础海上风电结构的原位测试数据,识别了不同环境激励下的结构模态参数,探讨了海上风电结构动力特性随环境激励、时间等的演化规律。结果表明:结构模态频率和阻尼比总体服从正态分布,随时序表现出一定离散性,径向频率集中在0.308~0.315 Hz,径向阻尼比集中在2.75%~3.5%;风荷载为风电结构振动特性的关键控制荷载,模态频率与风速之间呈负相关,模态径向阻尼比与风速之间呈正相关,且风速大于7 m/s后,其相关性随着风速增大均略有增加;随时间推移,结构频率出现一定程度的退化,退化主要集中在测试期间的前150 d,反映出土体对筒型基础整体约束能力的下降。研究指出筒-土接触作用减弱是造成结构频率退化的主要原因,并采用筒-土界面刚度弱化作用和海底潮流冲刷作用做出了相应的解释和讨论。


    Abstract: The offshore wind power structures bear complex environmental loads induced by winds and waves over the life time. Dynamic characteristic is an important basis for the safety assessment of the offshore wind power structures. Based on the in-situ test data of offshore wind power on composite bucket foundation in Rudong county of Jiangsu Province, the structural modal parameters under different environmental excitations are identified, and the evolution laws of dynamic characteristics of offshore wind power with environmental excitations and time are analyzed. The results show that the modal frequency and damping ratio of the offshore wind power obey the normal distribution, and exhibit a certain degree of dispersion. The modal frequency and damping ratio in the radial direction are concentrated in the ranges of 0.308~0.315 Hz and 2.75%~3.5%, respectively. The wind load is the key control one for vibration characteristics of the wind power structures. There is a negative correlation between the modal frequency and the wind speed, and a positive correlation between the modal radial damping ratio and the wind speed. With the increase of the wind speed, the correlation coefficient increases slightly when the wind speed is greater than 7 m/s. The modal frequency shows a certain degree of degradation, and the degradation is mainly concentrated in the first 150 days of the test period, reflecting the decline in the constraint effects of the soil on the bucket foundation. The weakening of the foundation-soil contact effects is the main reason for the degradation of the modal frequency, and the corresponding explanation and discussion are made by the stiffness weakening effects of foundation-soil contact and the scouring effects.


