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姬羽菲, 邵帅, 邵生俊, 朱学亮, 严广艺. 非饱和土边坡三维地震稳定性分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 627-635. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231125
引用本文: 姬羽菲, 邵帅, 邵生俊, 朱学亮, 严广艺. 非饱和土边坡三维地震稳定性分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2025, 47(3): 627-635. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231125
JI Yufei, SHAO Shuai, SHAO Shengjun, ZHU Xueliang, YAN Guangyi. Three-dimensional seismic stability analysis of unsaturated soil slopes[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 627-635. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231125
Citation: JI Yufei, SHAO Shuai, SHAO Shengjun, ZHU Xueliang, YAN Guangyi. Three-dimensional seismic stability analysis of unsaturated soil slopes[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025, 47(3): 627-635. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231125


Three-dimensional seismic stability analysis of unsaturated soil slopes

  • 摘要: 边坡在地震作用下极易发生失稳,并常常伴随着明显的三维特征。基于极限分析上限原理和一维稳定入渗模型,对非饱和土边坡三维稳定性进行了研究。提出一种新的三维水平切片法,有效考虑了非饱和土重度、地震加速度和表观黏聚力的非线性分布特征。地震惯性力采用考虑土体阻尼和共振的修正拟动力法(MPDM)表示。通过重度加大法推导出边坡安全系数的显式表达式。与已有研究成果进行对比验证,并进行了一系列参数研究。结果表明:当边坡受到与土体固有频率接近的地震波作用时,会发生共振现象,边坡安全系数迅速降低;在同一地震频率作用下, 安全系数随地震加速度系数的增大而减小;当B/H < 3时,三维效应明显,在边坡设计时应考虑三维效应;吸力的存在有助于提高边坡的稳定性。


    Abstract: Slopes are highly susceptible to collapse under seismic action and are often accompanied by distinct three-dimensional (3D) features. The 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes is investigated based on the principle of limit analysis upper bound and the one-dimensional stable infiltration model. A new 3D horizontal slicing method is proposed, which effectively considers the nonlinear distribution characteristics of unsaturated soil gravity, seismic acceleration and apparent cohesion. The seismic inertia force is expressed by a modified pseudo-dynamics method (MPDM) considering soil damping and resonance. The explicit expression for the slope safety factor is derived by gravity increase method (GIM). Comparison and validation with the existing research results and a series of parameter studies were carried out. The results show that when the slope is subjected to seismic wave action close to the intrinsic frequency of the soil body, resonance phenomenon occurs and the slope safety coefficient decreases rapidly; under the action of the same seismic frequency, the safety coefficient decreases with the increase of seismic acceleration coefficient. When B/H < 3, the 3D effect is obvious, and the 3D effect should be taken into account in the design of the slope; the existence of suction contributes to maintaining slope stability.


